My Legends Walk series is complete!

Strange Medicine marks the completion of my urban fantasy/post-apocalyptic/dystopian/fantasy series. Finishing the series with two self-published books was an adventure. Thankfully I had access to awesome cover design by Kris Norris, good Beta readers, and editing by Caroline Miller. These factors helped ensure my final products were professional and up to industry standards. I even managed to publish the eBook and print version of book 2 (Strange Omens) from the road while visiting our son in Austin. WiFi in the motorcoach proved sufficient for research and publishing. Even getting print proofs delivered worked out okay.

I hope you’ll give the series a try and let your friends know. Watch for all 3 books on Amazon at my author page. The “look inside” feature lets you get a sample of each.

To celebrate completion, each ebook will go through limited time special pricing of 99¢ during June. The perfect storm will be 4-8 June when book discounts will overlap and the entire series can be bought for just $3 ! Books 2 & 3 are also available for free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

If you take a chance on reading my work, I could really use a short honest review on Amazon. Good or bad, these are critical to gain social proof and help inform readers so they know if the story may interest them (or not). Thanks in advance and happy reading.

Legends Walk

Strange Tidings (80k words)

Strange Omens (105k words)

Strange Medicine (105k words)

P.S: For a change of pace, I’m finishing up a light SciFi novel with target publication this fall before getting back to fantasy novels.


Jim Stein writes Science Fiction and Fantasy suitable for adults and teens.

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